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创意 Creativity
发布时间:2021-06-04 17:00:28

‘Creativity’ is a unique course for it not only refers to theories, but also focuses on practical activities to enhance your learning experience. This course uses short video lectures, single- and multi-choice questions, online and offline communications, and a mixture of innovative learning strategies to help learners explore their own creativity.       

As traditional industries continue to decline, knowledge and skill-based professions are gradually being taken up by artificial intelligence and robots. Experts predict that this trend will only intensify. Fostering creativity, innovation, practical ability, critical thinking, leadership, and teamwork is a crucial task. 

We mix content with various technologies, and instill creative thinking patterns through mini-lectures before passing to learners like you. The course encourages interaction, peer-learning, and mutual respect. We see each participant as an explorer in nature in defining who they are and what they can do. Our team of psychologists, literature scholar, and theatre arts specialists will guide you through a challenging yet fun, creative learning journey, which will nurture your creativity and help you see and hear differently. UMx Creativity is about transforming the ordinary into extraordinary.